Excellent Masters’ Thesis Valorisation Event

Excellent Masters’ Thesis Valorisation Event

On 18 May 2022 (3PM-7.30PM Dutch time), Linklaters Amsterdam and Erasmus School of Law will jointly organise the Excellent Masters’ Thesis Valorisation Event. As part of this programme, Linklaters will offer a number of excellent (former) students of the masters in Private Law and in Liability & Insurance at Erasmus School of Law (Erasmus University Rotterdam) who have written outstanding masters’ theses on societally relevant topics in their respective fields, the opportunity to present their research to Linklaters’ experts from legal practice and to fellow students. In preparation for the event, Linklaters will offer the (former) students who will be presenting their research intensive coaching sessions on Legal English, Legal Drafting and Presentation Skills. This years’ coaching sessions will be provided by one of Linklaters’ most experienced talent coaches, Alistair MacLean.

During the event, the (former) students will present their research at Linklaters' Amsterdam office, in English. They will get the opportunity to discuss their topics with lawyers from various Linklaters offices worldwide. Students who are currently participating in the Erasmus School of Law ‘Jonge Meesters’ honorary masters’ thesis programme, in which a select group of excellent students from the masters in Private Law and Liability & Insurance write their theses as chapters for a volume on a central topic related to private law that is annually published by Boom Juridische Uitgevers, are also invited to attend the event. To end the day festively and with a view to offering these students the opportunity to discuss their own thesis topics with experts from legal practice, Linklaters Amsterdam will host drinks afterwards.

In support of this initiative, Harriët Schelhaas (Professor in Private Law and Dean of Erasmus School of Law), Jan Willem de Boer (National Manager Partner of Linklaters and Erasmus University Alumnus), and Gerard Meijer (Partner Dispute Resolution of Linklaters and Professor of Arbitration Law at Erasmus School of Law) will attend the event.

All students of Erasmus School of Law’s masters in Private Law and in Liability & Insurance who are interested in what they can achieve with their masters’ thesis, how they can find a topic and write an academic paper that is both academically and societally relevant, and how this can offer a basis for discussion with experts from legal practice like the lawyers at Linklaters, are invited to attend the event online, they can apply by sending their name and email address to nlrecruitment@linklaters.com.

We are looking forward to making this an inspiring and fruitful collaboration in celebration and support of the many talented students in private law at Erasmus School of Law.

Luce Mulder - Civiel Procesrecht in het Tijdperk van Deepfakes


Door de snelle ontwikkeling van de deepfake-technologie bestaat de verwachting dat echt videomateriaal op termijn niet of nauwelijks meer te onderscheiden zal zijn van gemanipuleerd videomateriaal. In de Amerikaanse literatuur wijzen verschillende auteurs op de bewijsrechtelijke uitdagingen waar de rechtbanken in dit verband voor zullen komen te staan. Het wordt steeds eenvoudiger om onopgemerkt een deepfake als bewijs in te brengen, maar ook om simpelweg het verweer te voeren dat een door de andere partij aangeleverd bewijsmiddel een deepfake is. In deze bijdrage wordt, in het licht van het publieke belang van het achterhalen van de waarheid in civiele procedures ter bevordering van aanvaardbare beslissingen en betrouwbare rechtspraak, onderzocht welke mogelijkheden er zijn in het Nederlandse civiele procesrecht om te anticiperen op deze problematiek. Geconcludeerd wordt dat een wettelijke beperking van de toelating van videomateriaal in belangrijke mate kan bijdragen aan een oplossing voor de verwachte problemen in civiele procedures door deepfakes.


Because of my American heritage and interest in civil procedural law, it may not come as a surprise that I chose a topic connected to American civil procedural law as the focus of my contribution to the 2021 ‘Jonge Meesters’ thesis book project. That my master’s thesis specifically deals with deepfakes will be a surprise however to those who know me, considering my technological illiteracy. I experienced the drafting of my thesis as a turbulent search for solutions for a complex, modern-day issue that has not yet been covered by Dutch legal literature. At the same time, I also experienced it as an interesting challenge, and was able to find inspiration for my conclusions also relating to Dutch law in the multiple American sources that have touched upon the subject. My research has not only provided me with considerable knowledge on this relevant topic, but has also given me more confidence in myself and my future. Right now, I am writing my second thesis in order to complete my Toga aan de Maas master at Erasmus School of Law. Beyond that, I am exploring possibilities for a career in the legal profession.

Barbara Rozema - De Zeggenschap van de Procesfinancier bij Collectief Verhaal van Massaschade


Procesfinanciering door derden, zogenoemde third party litigation funding (TPLF), kan in het kader van collectief verhaal van massaschade een nuttige maatschappelijke functie vervullen door de rechtstoegang te bevorderen, maar kan ook leiden tot belangenconflicten. In het beschermen van partijen tegen overmatige invloed van de procesfinancier is een publiek belang gelegen. Voor de collectieve actie gelden eisen (3:305a-eisen) die de zeggenschap van de procesfinancier beperken. Dat kan ertoe leiden dat procesfinanciers hun toevlucht zoeken in alternatieve vormen van financiering van collectief verhaal van massaschade, waarop de 3:305a-eisen niet rechtstreeks van toepassing zijn. Enerzijds bevorderen die alternatieve mogelijkheden de rechtstoegang. Anderzijds kan het ontbreken van eisen die de zeggenschap van de procesfinancier beperken, negatieve gevolgen hebben voor de behartiging van de materiële belangen van benadeelden. In deze bijdrage wordt onderzocht in hoeverre het, gelet op de belangen van benadeelden, wenselijk is om bij de alternatieve vormen eisen te stellen die aansluiten bij de 3:305a-eisen. Ik concludeer dat die eisen geconcretiseerd moeten worden en dat vervolgens soortgelijke eisen moeten worden ingevoerd voor de alternatieve vormen.


Writing a master thesis is an instructive process in itself. However, due to my participation in the 2021 ‘Jonge Meesters’ thesis book project, I got a lot more out of it. I like to write and conduct research. The thesis book project has taught me a lot about doing research, but also about making a legal text suitable for publication. In addition, it was really nice that we got the opportunity to formally present our research to family and friends during the course of the project and, of course, that everyone can now read about our studies in the book. All of this has given me many insights that are helping me a lot while writing my thesis for the second master’s degree that I am currently finishing at Erasmus School of Law. Although I’m not exactly sure yet where I see myself in the future, I do know for certain that I will pursue a career in the field of law!





Ludo Stroo - Protection of Real Property in Augmented Reality


Up until recently, the physical and virtual world were mostly separated from each other. However, augmented reality (“AR”) now makes it possible to add virtual objects to the physical world. Users of an AR-application can interact with these objects in real time, for example through their smartphones. The rise of AR raises different legal questions. In my thesis I explore this topic from a property law and a tort law perspective. Which different causes of action can landowners bring against an AR-developer who places virtual objects on their land without their consent? Given the fact that this question has received relatively little attention in Dutch legal literature, I first take a look at the situation in the United States, where several landowners brought a class action lawsuit against Niantic, the developer of the highly popular AR-based game Pokémon GO, on the basis of trespass and nuisance, in order to remove virtual objects from their property. I then discuss three possible causes of actions under Dutch law: infringement of property rights (‘inbreuk op eigendomsrecht’), nuisance (‘hinder’) and unjust enrichment (‘ongerechtvaardigde verrijking’). I conclude that none of the current legal options under Dutch law perfectly fit the specific nature of virtual objects in AR. To fill this gap, I suggest granting property rights over the virtual space to landowners, combined with an opt-in system by which landowners can grant permission to AR-developers to place virtual objects in the virtual space located above their land.    


Deciding between studying in the field of technology or law was a difficult decision for me to make after graduating from high school. Being young and told by friends that law was boring, I opted for the former and started as an Industrial Design Engineering student. I soon realized that I was not in the right place and tried my other option: law. This was a better fit and not so boring after all! During my studies I especially fell in love with private law areas such as contract law and property law. However, my interest in technology had not fully faded away. In my master thesis I tried to reconnect to my ‘tech roots’ by looking at the emerging field of augmented reality from a property law perspective. This fascinating technology brings our physical and virtual worlds together and kept me motivated throughout my writing process, which - to be honest - was not always easy. After obtaining my master’s degree I started working as a lecturer and researcher at Erasmus School of Law, where I hope to further develop my expertise in the field of law and technology.

Joey Oetomo - Immunity from Enforcement: a Balancing Act in Need of Correction?


The Dutch Supreme Court takes a strict approach in applying the rules of state immunity from enforcement. As a result, creditors of states increasingly find themselves in a tough position when it comes to executing, for example, an arbitral award against a state. The rights and interests of these creditors are protected by fundamental EU rights, such as Article 6 ECHR and Article 1 First Protocol ECHR. This contribution examines the Dutch application of state immunity from enforcement in light of these fundamental EU rights of creditors of states.


During my master in Private Law at Erasmus School of Law, I developed an interest in international litigation and arbitration practice. I truly enjoyed being able to build on this interest with my research into the Dutch interpretation of the doctrine of immunity from execution and with my contribution on that subject to the the 2021 ‘Jonge Meesters’ thesis book project. A nice ending to my studies – and the kick-start of my career at Linklaters.